10 years ago
A vintage BDSM gay porn classic inspired by Robert Payne’s famous BDSM two-part magazine The Care & Training of the Male Serf. Robert Payne’s real name was John Embry, the publisher of Drummer Magazine from 1975 to 1986. In 1975, Mr. Embry held a mock thrall auction in Los Angeles, which even caused a huge police raid. Over 105 police officers, some helicopters, and dozens of police cars showed up. Mr. Embry, other mates, and one sweetheart, were charged with an 1975 statute trafficking in human slaves, a felony. The charges were dropped once the nature of the event became apparent, but not without some struggle. This film features all types and levels of BDSM play, including flogging, shaving, bondage, sensory deprivation, fisting, and public humiliation.
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